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Monthly Archives: November 2019

Nasal Fracture Surgery

Nasal Fracture Surgery

Nasal fracture surgery: Due to number of accidents such as falling on the ground,  accidents, sports injuries, etc the nose will be fractured. This fracture occurs in the nasal bone. Nasal fractures are one of the most common facial fractures that one should immediately perform nasal fractures surgery.

Symptoms of nasal fractures

There are many symptoms that indicate a nasal fracture. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Swelling on the face or nose
  • Bruise on the nose
  • Bruises under the eyes
  • Nasal deformity
  • Bleeding of the nose
  • Having pain
  • Difficulty in breathing through the nose

Nasal Fracture Surgery

Selecting the Nose Surgeon

This choice is one of the most important choices in your life because it has a great impact on the outcome of your nose surgery. For this operation, you should choose a nose surgeon whom you trust, we recommend to you dear Dr. Omid Ebrahimi. Dr. Ebrahimi is one of the best ENT specialist surgeons. You can visit gallery of photos in site or Instagram to see his portfolio.

When should a nose fracture surgery be performed?

  • If pain and swelling do not resolve after 3 days.
  • If your nose is deformed.
  • When you continue to have trouble breathing after the swelling is over.
  • Having Fever
  • Repeated nosebleeds
  • Cares after Nose Fracture Surgery
  • After the nose surgery, be careful not to hit your nose.
  • Don’t go to crowded places.
  • sleep face up and use two pillows.
  • Take the medicines prescribed by your doctor until the end
  • Use an ice bag on your nose to relieve pain.
  • When bathing be careful not to wet your nose.

Nasal Fracture Surgery

Nose Splinting

Upon completion of the cosmetic surgery, the nose is splinted. For 5 to 7 days this splint should be on your nose to prevent any changes in the shape of the nose.

The cost of a nose fracture surgery

The cost of this surgery like all other nose surgeries depends on factors such as cost of surgery room, drugs, surgeon and anesthesiologists’ wages, and so on.

The best way to know about the costs is to refer to Dr. Omid Ebrahimi’s clinic and visit him. After your nose is examined by Dr. Ebrahimi, the cost will be determined  and will be notified to you.

Deviated Septum Nose Surgery

Deviated Septum Nose Surgery

Deviated Septum Nose Surgery : There are several structures in the nose; first of all, the bone that is located in the upper part of the nose, the two paired cartilages are located at the top and bottom of the nose which are simply called the upper and lower cartilages. There is also a large cartilage in the midline called the septum or middle nasal septum.

In fact, it can be said that the patient has a Deviated Septum Nose whose middle nasal septum or nasal septum is deviated to one side and the deviation is so severe that the patient has clinical symptoms and respiratory problems.

In fact, deviation of the nasal cartilage that can cause nasal and respiratory problems is called deviated septum nose.

Deviated Septum Nose Surgery

Reasons of Deviated Septum Nose:

The deviation can happen at the time of childbirth, because the fetus in the mother’s womb will cause deviated cartilage due to the constriction of the uterus and the pressure that enters to the fetus.

Sometimes the nasal septum deviation happens after childbirth and in the process of nasal growth that takes many years for growing nose and develop into a full-blown nose, around the age of 16 to 17 years.

During the growth process, the nose sometimes grows with deviation. In addition, hits to the nose   and the hits during the childhood are very important, and nose fractures in childhood should be taken very seriously as they cause deviation of the middle blade.

Diagnosis of Deviated Septum Nose:

The diagnosis of nasal abnormalities is primarily through a clinical examination and after a paraclinical procedure such as a CT scan or nasal and sinus endoscopy enters the nasal abnormality treatment phase.

Deviated Septum Nose treatment is merely through surgery and there is no medical cure, but whether or not the patient should undergo nasal surgery depends on the patient’s clinical symptoms and to what extent these symptoms make problems for the patient.

For this reason, having an abnormality in an X-ray or CT scan is not a reason for Deviated Septum Nose surgery and patients should be reminded that mere surgery may not eliminate symptoms such as snoring because this problem can have other causes  and Deviated Septum Nose is just one of the reasons that exacerbate the problem.

For this reason, prior to Nasal diversion surgery , careful examination should be performed to ensure that the patient’s clinical symptoms improve after surgery.

Deviated Septum Nose Surgery

Deviated Septum Nose Treatment:

In general, deviations of septum are very common. As it is explained, as this problem happens at childbirth due to fetal pressures, they are very common.

But not everyone will have problem, more than seventy percent of people have anterior nasal septal defect, but not all of them need treatment and surgery, nasal septal deviation require treatment and surgery in case of having following conditions:

  • Leads to injuries of the patient.
  • Causes problems such as respiratory problems in the patient.
  • Causes beauty problems such as a deviation in the patient
  • Leads to nasal deformity.
  • Causes asymmetry in the nose.
  • Causes sinusitis or nasal congestion unilaterally or even bilaterally.

Deviated Septum Nose Surgery:

Most of the time, there is no deviation in the appearance of the nose, but inside, the cartilage blade of the middle of the nose is deviated which leads to pressure on the patient’s sinuses, causing problems in the patient and although there is no problems in the appearance , the patient needs treatment and Deviated Septum Nose Surgery .

Deviated Septum Nose Surgery is performed when the patient has clinical symptoms because the mere presence of mid-nasal septal deviation in one side does not mean that the patient needs special treatment.

For this reason, doctors perform Nasal diversion surgery in patients with clinical symptoms. These clinical signs can, as it said, be nocturnal snoring that can be very distressing to patients, or may be recurrent sinusitis or persistent headaches.

Nose Surgeon:

If you are looking for a nose surgeon to perform Deviated Septum Nose Surgery , we would like to introduce you Dr. Omid Ebrahimi. Dr. Ebrahimi is one of the best ENT surgeons who have had very successful experience in these fields.

You can be one of the candidates who have experienced great results with Dr. Ebrahimi. Contact us with the numbers in the site.

Sample of Deviated Septum Nose Surgery by Dr. Omid Ebrahimi The best surgeon of Deviated Septum Nose Surgery.

Deviated Septum Nose Surgery

Deviated Septum Nose Surgery with laser:

laser is used extensively in cosmetic surgery, but it has no place in nose surgery. For example in Deviated Septum Nose Surgery with laser , no changes in the texture or shape of the nose can be made.

In fact, the main purpose of nose surgery is to resize and shape the bones and cartilage of the nose that the laser cannot do.

Recovery after Deviated Septum Nose Surgery:

These types of nasal surgeries which have treatment aspect are performed under general anesthesia, and the patient is discharged on the same day as all nasal surgeries (cosmetic or therapeutic).

Although in certain circumstances, the patient may be hospitalized to the surgical site for one day after surgery.

After Deviated Septum Nose Surgery, the patient may experience pain, although these pains are mild, and can be controlled and relieved by the drugs prescribed by the physician.

The specialist tells everything which the patient has to do after surgery.

Cares such as bathing, proper sleeping, and so on is also explained to the patient so that the patient can have a good recovery by observing them.

It should be noted that all of these issues are explained by the physician to the patient prior to surgery so that the patient may ask any probable question.

Necessary Cares After Deviated Septum Nose Surgery:

In order to achieve the best results from Nasal diversion surgery , it is advisable to follow the instructions and the necessary cares carefully and thoroughly.

Deviated Septum Nose Surgery

These cares include the following items:

  1. If you want to sneeze, do it through your mouth and be careful not to put pressure on your nose.
  2. In order to wash your nose, try to use saline liquid for 24 hours.
  3. Do not blow your nose with pressure and gently clean the nose with a soft cloth.
  4. In order to sleep use two pillows above normal mode for sleeping within one week after surgery
  5. During the first 72 hours after surgery, use cold compresses to reduce the swelling caused by the surgery.
  6. If you have pain, you can take painkillers, but it should be noted that the drugs you take should be approved by your treating surgeon.
  7. Don’t drink alcohol at all.
  8. If you become anxious or depressed, take appropriate drugs within the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery, at your doctor’s discretion.
  9. After surgery, start your diet by drinking liquids.

Other cares after Deviated Septum Nose Surgery:

  • Avoid manipulating and rubbing your nose.
  • Doing heavy activities and in general activities that increase heart rate and lifting heavy objects for at least one month are prohibited.
  • Avoid any hit to your nose for at least one month.
  • Take the drugs prescribed by your doctor carefully and a per the prescription.
  • Contact your physician immediately if you experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, respiratory failure, etc.
  • To prevent crust formation, rinse your nose with the saline wash serum which is prescribed by your physician.

Cost of Deviated Septum Nose Surgery:

The cost of Nasal diversion surgery is one of the factors that a candidate considers for a nose surgery. This cost is determined by the necessary examinations, so you can contact to Dr. Ebrahimi’s Clinic if you are want to be aware of this fee.

Nose Cosmetic Surgery

Nose Cosmetic Surgery

Nose Cosmetic Surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed today. Nowadays many people refer to beauty clinics or hospitals for nose surgery.

Nose Cosmetic Surgery

If these people are careful in choosing their nose surgeon, they can treat many of their nasal complications, such as: nosebleeds, nasal cavity enlargement, nasal tip drop, etc.

Men’s Nose Beauty Surgery :

One of the most important point in men and women nose surgery is observing their differences. Men’s nose is bonier and cartilaginous than women’s and has a high strength in comparison with women’s nose.

It should be noted that women’ noses also differ from men’s in terms of skin, so that the skin of men’s noses is thicker than women.
Another difference between men and women about nose surgery is the expression of expectations. Men cannot clearly state their expectations at a consultation session before a nose surgery.

In men’s nose surgery, standards must be observed to in order to achieve the desired result. In the nose surgery, if the nose surgeon does not observe the standards well, for example, if the nose becomes too small, the fit of the facial components may be compromised and the person may experience respiratory distortions or voice changes.

After the nose surgery :

  • After surgery, you will experience swelling and some bruises around your nose that will disappear soon after necessary care.
  • Use ice compresses to reduce swelling and bruising in the first 24 hours after nose surgery.
  • Avoid getting to places like the subway, bus, markets, etc.
  • Be careful not to hit it until your nose is fully formed.
  • There are a lot of cares after a nose surgery that you can find in our other articles on the site.

Price of nose surgery :

Because of the effectiveness of many factors such as the experience of the nose surgeon, the type of nose, the geographical location, etc. on the costs, it is advisable to consult a nose surgery or nose surgery clinic.

Cares after Nose Surgery :

After cosmetic nose surgery, people should do their best in observing all the cares after surgery in order to get the best results.

Nose Cosmetic Surgery

Bruises after nose surgery

Bruising and changing the colors in the areas around the nose as well as under the eyes is a natural occurrence for most people after nose surgery.

The reason of these bruises is blood leak that penetrates the underlying skin through the capillaries. he does. But in general, patients should not have to worry about exposure to these bruises because they often disappear completely after one week.

Swelling after nose surgery :

Swelling happens after almost all surgeries and is considered normal, as is the case with nasal cosmetic surgery. However, note that the rate of nasal tip swelling varies from person to person.

It should be noted that the swelling decreases approximately 2 weeks to 3 months after nasal surgery and the nose gets better form over time.

Reducing swelling after nose surgery :

However, after nose surgery, people can reduce the exacerbation of swelling and bruising caused by nasal surgery through the following actions:

  1. Patients can prevent swelling and bruising on adjacent areas of the nose by applying cold compresses in the first 48 hours after nasal surgery.
  2. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for at least 2 months and should use sunscreen if necessary.
  3. People should avoid laughing and talking for long periods of time and blowing nose.
  4. After surgery, people should protect their nose from any kind of vulnerability.
  5. In order to prevent any hit to the nose, they should avoid going to crowded places.
  6. Avoid manipulating and scratching your nose, especially in the early days after nose surgery.
  7. Avoid bathing and washing the face while the splint is still on the nose, as the splint is placed on the nose to protect the structure of the nose and will lose its ability to get wet.
  8. Drinking alcohol and using tobacco is prohibited for up to two weeks after nasal cosmetic surgery.
  9. Patients should drink liquids in their diet during the first week after surgery and refuse to consume salt and sodium.

See the following pages for more information on nose surgeries :

Natural nose surgery

Fleshy nose surgery

Bony nose surgeries

Nasal Deviated Septum surgery

Nasal Reshaping surgery